Saturday, March 31, 2012

Flying dog

One more day of spring break...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Santa Monica here we come!

One of the last days of spring break is already coming up so we decided that now that we got the car back to do something so we're gonna go to Santa Monica and Venice today. it should be fun and then we can also bring the dog.
The other day we went out kayaking again, me, Cody, Jason, Joe, Corinne and Landon. I mean since it is so cheap when you are a student why not enjoy it and go and be out in the nature :)
Now I guess I need to jump in the shower so that I can get ready because Cody is already up, randomly, at 7 o'clock and he's never awake this early people! I'll bring the camera down there so that we can take some pictures that I can show you but for now, have a good day/night everyone!

Copyright by: ME

Monday, March 26, 2012

First day of Spring Break

Today is officially the first day of spring break and I started it off by waking up at 7 and doing a.... brazilian but program... haha so funny! After 55 min of that Cody woke up and we went for a walk with the pup. At Leadbetter there were waves so Cody went home and got Joe and the boards and they went surfing. The weather is beautiful today so something fun should I be able to find to do. We are planning on going camping too but we have no idea where so we'll see about that. Maybe go to San Diego, we'll see!

Here are some pictures from today

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I'm in a batting cage

When we were out for a walk this morning we walked by the baseball field bellow school and that made me think of all the american movies you have seen where they are at the batting cages and that I've wanted to do that. So when we got home we ate breakfast and Joe came and picked us up and we went to the batting cages. SO MUCH FUN! Now I'm two blisters richer and my hands hurt, but I can now also say that I've been in a batting cage doing what americans do.
Oh and I've forgot to tell you a "funny" thing that happened the other day. Cody and the dog were out seeing a friend of Cody's and when they were on their way home the dog jumped down by Cody's feet and stepped on the gas pedal. The car flew back in probably 15-20/mph right back in a parked Mercedes. So here we are, on spring break WHITH OUT a car! Well, at least until Tuesday..
Now I'm gonna go out in the sun again for a little bit before it starts raining.
And also! I'm officially coming to Sweden on June 4th..

Monday, March 19, 2012

Up, up in the air!

Yesterday it snowed here! Not literarily here, but up in the mountains. They have a pretty crazy rule here that as soon as there is snow and you want to play in it in the mountains, you have to pay to have an activity pass. haha isn't that one of the weirdest things you have ever heard? This day was super cold and I started it off with a little walk with the puppy and since after that we have been hanging out with Jason and Corinne all day and now we're watching The Voice. So good!!
I'll let you see some pictures that I took today and I'll talk to you tomorrow. Night Night

Sunday, March 18, 2012

St Patrick's Day...

...we spent inside because watching the rain going on and off all day. All of us decided that we should do something fun since it is a holiday so we went up to the store and bought ingredients and baked a cake. It turned out very pretty but a little bit too sweet for my taste. Later at night we played games and had some drinks and just hung out laughing a lot! Today I've just been doing homework so that I can spend all day tomorrow on my project that is due on Tuesday. Fun fun fun....
Hopefully the weather gets better tomorrow cause I'm sooooo sick and tired of this wind and coldness!
Nighty Nighty friends :)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

To ask all the right questions.

The rain is poring in Santa Barbara today and it's really grey and boring so it seam like it will be a day inside with a lot of candles and movies. A little bit ago I took the chance to take the puppy for a walk when there was a break in the raining and after I gave him a shower, oh how he hates it!
Now I'm gonna snuggle down under the blanket and get warm but I'll update you what's happening a little bit later.
Happy St Patty's day btw everyone!!!!!!! Remember that everything has to be green :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


A new week have started and we're getting closer to summer. My update today won't be very fun and exciting but that is only because I haven't done much :) What we did this weekend was to hang out and go kayaking but you have already seen that but that was so much fun! Something you should try if you haven't already.
Right now I'm sitting in class listening to my teacher talk about product placement and taking quizzes. Tomorrow I will be doing some homework since I have an essay due on Thursday.
Maybe I should start listening a little more to what the teacher says now. Even though this is something I have talked about in every class I'm taking here, oh weeell.